

Friday, September 30, 2011

 The Influential Hispanic in my Life

I know its Hispanic Heritage Month and celebration goes on for all those Hispanics
who made a difference here in American.
And there are so many that impacted the lives of the Hispanic and made way for others
to rise to a higher education, to become entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, sportsman,
politicians, law enforcement,  etc. etc. etc.....
So to all those Hispanic that made a way for us,"Thank You"  

I want to honor and talk about the most influential Hispanic, that made a difference in my life.
This person had a 2nd grade education, and was the baby of 4 children.
As a young child she suffered abuse, by the person that was supposed to protect her.

She married at age 14, had two sons, of which one was taken from her, by the father,
when he divorced her at the age of 16 or 17. 
Do to the fact that she still had a baby to take care of, she left the baby to be taken
care of by her parents, while she worked to support both of them,
for she was left with nothing, and and left with out one of her sons.

She later got married had 6 children, but at the age of 28 her husband died of cancer,
and now she found herself with six more children to feed and no education, not knowing
to read or write that well.
But some how she managed to get up and raise her children by herself.

Some years later she married again, and this time she had three daughters.
After the birth of the third child all the family move to the United States of America.

I am the first of the three last children she had from her last marriage. 
My mother was a strong, gentle, loving, hard working woman, who was not afraid
of life in spite of many hardships.  She suffered so much and was criticized and
mocked by her family, but she manged to pull through, she was one tough cookie.

She taught me to work hard, to have fun, to joke around, to study harder. 
She taught me all the things a mother is suppose to teach a daughter, sewing, knitting,
embroidery, cooking, ironing, cleaning.

She taught me the value of money, like earning it, how to save, how to spend it, 
like looking for the specials on food, and clothing. 

But the most important legacy she left, was her faith and truth in God.
She taught me how to pray, how read my bible, how to go to church, how to serve God,
how to serve others, how to respect and honor my pastors.
To worship God with a thankful heart.  To sing in mist of the pain.  
To trust God when there is no food on the plate, or cloth, or medicine.
She was the one that introduced me to my Savior.

I can go on and on and on...because she is and was so many things in my life,
and one day I will see her again. 

She is a Precious Jewel.

Mami te Quiero Mucho!!!!!!!!!

What about you, what Hispanic has influenced your life? 


Friday, September 23, 2011

¡They are few, but God gave them to me!

I don't have many friends, or best friend, but the few that I have, are wonderful, loving people,
who understand and know me, even better then myself. 
God put each one of them in my life for a special reason.
And every one of them fulfill a specific part of my life, my heart.

I have a friend who is a clown, always making laugh and cheering me up,
specially in those devastating moments in my life.
My friend keeps my happy side waiting for another day, even thou the day maybe gray.

I have a friend who's life in totally centered  in Christ, so with this friend I can share spiritual hurts, pains, angry, happiness, joys, prayer, the Word of God, my friend keeps me on my spiritual feet and I love it,
I would have stumble if my friend would not lift me in prayer.

Another friend is crazy like me, we joke, tease each other, we act like teenagers, we are so silly,
we sing, and talk about singer of our era (hahahaha) and she never judges me.
My friend keeps me crazy and silly and I love it.

This other friend is my buddy in work, travel, adult mature conversations, (nothing bad, I think, jejeje) and my friend know my taste in cloth, so my friend has to take my shopping cuz I have no sense of style.
My friend helps keep my act together, to work hard.
My friend inspires me to do all things better, and specially the work of our God, to do it well and with excellence.

I also have younger friends, and I love them, and even if they don't know it, with them I love again (I am a huge romantic) they fall in love and I along with them. They have heartaches and I also cry...I hope that some way, some how I can be some kind of inspiration in their lives.
 My friends keep me young and in love. awwwwhhhhh!!!!

Yes they are few, but I need each one of them, you see they not only fulfill my life and heart, but they complete me.  Each one of them is who I am. 

Each one is a Precious Jewel!

I don't want to give their names for they know who they are.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God far away? Jeremiah 23:23-24
God has a quality that no other being possesses: Omnipresence.
This attribute means that God is everywhere.
But, how can this be?
It's wonderful, it's something that man does not even begin to understand to the full extent, but it is a reality: no matter where in the universe we may be, we will never find a place where God is not present.
This means that God is present everywhere at the same time!
Not that God is divided for this, but his whole person, with all its power and glory, does not even need to move from one place to another to dominate the scene.
In other words, God is not limited or restricted by time or space.
So my friend, God is with you at all times, no matter what your need is, He is so close to you that He hears your heartbeat and He is taking care of you, loving you.Right now, at this moment, there he is, He is never late, he always arrives just in time.
You are not alone, surround yourself with friends, or family.
Do not stay silent, open your heart.
Although there is no one around, He is the God that is close by.

Remember what ever you may need, call on Him, he is just there

Courage, do not dismayed  .... I Love You!...God loves you!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I had said that this blog was for christian women, but actually its for all women who face difficult times.  I'm hear to encourage you, for you  are a strong woman, and you are precious in God's eyes and He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Ok, hello, first time doing this, and I feel so excited!!
I hope that you will join me in this adventure.
Precious Jewels is a blog for christian women who want to share
their thoughts and feelings about the struggles one faces day to day. 
And I want to give words of encouragement and help lift your spirits up. 
We need God in our daily walk but we also need friends. 
Friends who can understand what one may be going through. 
So lets start encouraging one another.